1.Helps you make a copy of the data on your hard disk drive. You can use this backup copy to restore your data if it becomes lost or damaged.
2.We shall be allowed to make a backup copy even without any express agreement to that effect.
3.You may want to store a backup copy or an archive of important items if you are trying to clear space on your hard disk .
4.The wizard will prompt you to save a backup copy of your project before migration begins.
5.Even one small typographical error can wreak havoc -- make sure you make a backup copy of any file you're planning to edit.
6.DS Contents in the backup copy are out of date . Try restoring with a more recent copy .
7.To revert to a backup, close and rename the original file so that the backup copy can use the name of the original version.
8.Maintain an up-to-date backup copy of your system and data.
9.If the MATCH keyword is omitted, the backup copy of the log will have the same name as the current transaction log for the database.
10.This file path cannot be the same as the path for the backup copy of the database.